Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Red Robin and The World Market

It was a full day. It started with a trip to the Post Office for some international postage and then off to the Big Bear Car Wash (BBCW).

You see, I got the mini washed there on Sunday and when I got back home I discovered I had left part of the mini in the wash!! WTH!! A quick phone call so they could go get the side panel out of the tunnel and then it was back to the BBCW to pick it up.


You can see it's the part that covers part of the door. 

I hadn't even bothered to ask about them fixing it. I figured it was, "Not responsible for…" so you can imagine my surprise when the guy at the BBCW said I would need to get at least two quotes for the repair. I mean, I didn't EVEN ask for it and they were telling me what to do to get it fixed…at their expense!! 

Yeah, I felt the earth shake there, too!!

So, long story short (TOO LATE, JERK!!), I had to go back and sign the paperwork to get the repair OK'd. 

Then, I thought I'd surprise Carol and so we headed to….

And to Staples. Carol got the Flower Pictures printed out 16 to a page so she can have a record of the flowers we've seen and exactly which ones they are.

We had the time…Ahhhh, retirement…and so we walked around the store and, BAM!! We spotted this. 

Carol's daughter is a animator and is currently working on a SpongeBob movie. So Carol's been spotting SpongeBob merchandise, taking a picture of it and forwarding it to her daughter. 

It's become a game for us now. This was the first sighting of a SpongeBob Back Pack. Woo, woo!! Great excitement!!!

After our great Staples Adventure, we went to the local Red Robin (RR) for lunch.

Hmmmm, which hamburger to order??

OK, I've been hankering to shoot in B&W lately. I haven't because I'm too doggone lazy to switch back and forth between 'Monochrome' and 'Program'…between B&W and color.

So, today, I had a inspiration!! I have two cameras…carry one in the color mode and one in the B&W mode. Which I did. Today. Starting in RR. That's why you'll be seeing, you lucky dog, you, pictures of the same area in both color and B&W.

But I still had the color camera, too. Backlit bottles in the RR Bar.

Finally, another thanks to my Grandson, Chris. He sent me this gift card for good food in RR along with a note…something witty (not very) about Old and Papa and the card being from a (really) great grandson.

Regardless, thanks, Chris!!! 


What better place to go for a walk then The Landing. 

First stop, a book store. First laugh, this…

Haha, it wasn't a Hard Choice at all. I easily decided this Masterful Piece of Fiction wouldn't make it into my home!!

Now this, this one I could get behind. 

Hooah!! Who wouldn't!?!?!

They've done a lot of landscaping and decorated store fronts with huge pots of flowers. I couldn't resist. 

These are Dianthus. Nice, eh?

These are just lovely…I'll let you know what they are as soon as Carol finds out.

Here I am playing with B&W. Trying for the grit, lines and patterns in B&W.

See it? See me trying to find that thingie with lines and patterns in B&W?

Then we stumbled onto these Fushsias. 


We spotted The World Market which I have since learned is a Pier One with a different name.

What a menagerie!! 

Still, there were lots of photo ops and SILTB (stuff I'd like to buy).

Someone was thinking when they sat this display up. 

Topped off with some world clocks. In B&W

And lots of bottles. All over the place...

Filled with all sorts of things. I wonder if LaFitte would approve.

Lines and patterns in B&W…again.

And then I saw these. I was still caught up in the patterns thing and...

and these...

and these...

and these. I'm trying to think from landscape to patterns and so on. 

Ain't easy. But ya gotta start somewhere.

And, of course, I looked for B&W opportunities.

I just liked this. If I were a nine-year old boy again, I'dda bought one of these.


Heck, Yeah!!!

Just because.

I was pleasantly surprised to not see any of these hands posed in a rude hand gesture. 

Believe me, I had to beat back the temptation to rectify that.

Little wooden dolls. Shoulda shot 'em in color, too. Ratz!!

The bird, the bird, the bird's the word…

And a ceramic flower. In B&W. On the side of a cup.

Glass movement.

An antiqued room divider.

And these nestled baskets. 

Nice, eh?

I like B&W and am looking forward to shooting more in it.

Quit complaining!! It'll be OK.

It's been an odd day, weather wise. And one threatening rain for most of the day. 

A couple of B&W shots of the skies as we left at 1600.

I bet it rains tonight. Easy bet in Seattle, eh?

Stormy weather...

There it is.

A good day.

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