Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Time In Columbia City

Got my Spring Cleaning done and this afternoon Happy and I answered the call of the sun and went for a walk. 

I had to cash a check so I decided we'd do that then come back and walk around Columbia City.

It's Spring and so my attention was drawn to the flowers. And there were plenty of them along my little walk. Happy was jumping around like crazy....he hasn't been on a walk for a while.

I'm practicing being retired so I paid no attention to the time. 

Time?  What's that?

One store had some fresh cut roses set out for sale.

Then there's the street art, aka posters.

And of course the beautiful old architecture.

I've always enjoyed looking at this old beauty. Here she is from the other side.

This old theater used to be a Masonic Lodge. They renovated it and divided the building into three small theaters. When I first went there it was really rough as they were just starting the remodeling.

Speaking of architecture, here's another old beauty. A Starbucks downstairs and apartments upstairs. Looks inviting, doesn't it?

Oh, yeah, it's Springtime!! They've set up the tables on the sidewalk and people are eating their fancy food and drinking their expensive drinks fresco, ya'll!!

Hey!! See!! There's some blue skies!!


Saw this mural depicting the history of Columbia City, Incorporated 1898, up to the present.

I didn't get them all, I think this is the Psychedelic Phase...

Then, along the same wall was this interesting tableau...

No apparent reason for taking it other than I thought it looked interesting.

Then some flowers in the neighborhood...

Love Spring. In fact, my favorite seasons are the transitional seasons; Spring and Autumn.

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