Friday, January 9, 2015

A Little Bit of This and That - 1/6/15

Or - Can You See What I See . . . 

Oh, so much to cover . . . so much to catch up on.

First off, our little claim to fame. And little it is but we're going to blow it out of proportion because, well, that's what we do.

Our upstairs neighbor is Lenaya and she is a member of the Rat City Rollergirls. Now, right about this point you might be wondering, 'What the heck is a Rat City Rollergirl and what does this have to do with an alleged "claim to fame"?' It has everything to do with it and therein lies the tale.

We so seldom get to associate with any kind of celebrity that when the opportunity poses itself, we grab it . . . with gusto!! 

The Rat City Rollergirls are a flat-track roller derby league here. The league has four member teams for intra-league play, an all-star travel team that competes with other leagues and another travel team that plays in exhibition games with other leagues. The league was founded in 2004. Prominent players, coaches and other players come from various backgrounds which is typical of our diverse culture here in The Emerald City.

Hahaha, kind of a blast from our past. Both Carol and I grew up with Roller Derby in our houses. My parents, and hers, would watch the games and, occasionally, even go to one of their games. In fact, I have a vague memory of going to one match with my parents and grandparents when I must have been around 5 or 6. Way back in '53 or '54.

I can remember, as can Carol, watching the teams play and the rough housing and bad acting that went on in each game. Our team was the L.A. Thunderbirds!! And, somehow, they always managed a come-from-behind win to save the day. At least it seemed like that. They played some of their matches in the Legion Stadium in El Monte.

They were all great fun and great drama, too. We're looking forward to going to one of their games.

But, back to my original point was that we have a celebrity living upstairs!!

It's Shock Therapy!!

She rolls with the Throttle Rockets!!

And, here they are, YOUR Rat City Rollergirls Throttle Rockets . . . 

Shock Therapy is the second from the front on the left side.

Well, that's our claim to fame!! Tres Cool, eh?

And someday, I promise, we will get to one of their games.

And from that game, we'll segue easily into the next part, the upcoming play-off game between the Cowardly Carolina Pipsqueak Panthers and The Mighty Returning Super Bowl Champion Seattle SeaHawks!!

And the fans are going crazy.

These pictures were taken the 6th of January and the game isn't until the 10th. Oh, yeah, everyone is gearing up for this one, Baby!!

I love this!! Someone at WalMarts updated the poster by lining out the Lions and the Cardinals!!

Ta-Ta, y'all!!

I don't know how fresh these will be by game time but they were hustling them, along with a lot of other sweet game treats, in a prominent position inside the Wally. 

Hahahaha, no way to get around them!!

And, Boy Howdy!! Do they have a lot of crap for sale . . . beads, buttons and this!!

Photo Booth Props!!

Hahaha, and it sells!! It really does!! They even had a preprinted football chart for your betting pools. Ah, these modern times!! In my day you had to make your own and then print them up on a mimeograph machine!!

(I still love that smell of the mimeographs!)

Whup!! There it is!!

The 2014 NFL Division West Champions!! Two in a row, Baby!!

They didn't take any time at all to whip these bad boys up and get them on the shelves.

More to come!!

And, while we were at Wally's, this one finally got the materials to make her Semi-Official Super Bowl Seattle SeaHawks Tutu!!

I'm looking forward to seeing her wear it to the game on Saturday!!

But let's get back to the food again!! This time on the other side of the store!

Mmmmmmmm, cakes!!

I think this is a frosted Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie!!

Goooooo, 'Hawks!!

Hahahaha, lookit!!

There is nothing these guys won't do to make a buck!!


Now here's some smart marketing . . . tasty and salty snacks to serve up with your Suds!!


OK, I apologize for the blurred picture. Handheld and I didn't check the settings. My bad.

But, look!!

Party trays in SeaHawks colors . . . and they have sprinkles, the very small pieces of confectionery used as a decoration or to add texture to desserts, also for sale in the SeaHawks colors!!

Cutlery, napkins AND Hawaiian Punch in SeaHawks colors!! Oh, and they had the Hawaiian Punch in SeaHawks green, too!!

Hahaha, I just showed you the tip of the iceberg. They are promoting this game all over the city and everywhere you go, you can see "12" and the SeaHawks colors.

So, just for a bit, we'll leave The SeaHawks and go on over to our park. And some familiar scenes . . .  and colors.

There are four trees there. Three in a row and then one other setting off to the side. I've caught those trees once before and liked what I captured. I got it from the side and they were in a row. This one is from a different angle and I was taken by the light coming through the branches.

And while we were there, as sometimes happens, a couple of dogs showed up and so, naturally, we gave them some love. One of us more than the other.

But he was semi-cute. A friendly Corgi . . . his buddy, much more senior to him, preferred to stay on the high ground with his master and just observe this one's activities.

It was a calm day . . . with very little breeze and just a wee bit chilly. A nice day.

The Eagle Tree was empty but . . . 

. . . we were able to see, in the distance on a tree near Rainier, another eagle. I was really reaching with the zoom to get this close.

I still get an enormous kick out of spotting eagles living here in the city with me. Can't really explain it but it sure does give me pleasure to spot 'em.

And then, just turning a quarter way to my left, I got this shot. There's a lot full of seaplanes near our park. They're beautiful machines and, if I ever decide to buy a plane, I will definitely look for one like this. Not exactly Sky King stuff but still good-looking. These planes can take luggage and, I think, up to six people. 

Tightly packed.

Driving up and getting ready to turn onto Rainier, I paused and got this shot. Again, it's the light.

I like this quote . . . 

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place . . . I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

                                                                   Elliott Erwitt

He's right. It's how you see them. There's the rub.

So it was an interesting day. Not much doing but, then, it's really not about what's happening so much as it is your ability to enjoy whatever is happening. 

I used to tell my students, when I finally figured it out (and that was too late to tell my own kids so they'd listen), that it's the attitude you bring with you that makes all the difference.

It is.

Life is good.


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