Monday, September 14, 2015

Foggy Walk - 9/11/15 (Morning)

Or: Do you see what I see...

It was a do-nothing day, and we decided to get out and go someplace for a walk. It was another foggy morning and we didn't feel like driving too far so we hit on the idea of going over to Shalishan, a resort located on Gleneden Beach. It's also where Carol and I went on one of our first bird walks way back in April.

The route we took is a short Nature Walk artfully set between the golf course on one side and Siletz Bay on the other. One prime reason for choosing this place was I was thinking that the Bay might offer some scenic vistas what with the fog and all.

There were some good views but very limited by the fog. I guess we're moving right along into fall. Even now, as summer winds down and begins to transition into autumn you can still find some hold-outs; some little pockets of flowers to enjoy.

But we were also there for the birds and we did get to see...some ducks. These guys were going through their morning ablutions getting ready for another busy day of...being a duck.

We saw plenty of these Oregon Blue Brachyscomes. Stubborn and tough, they keep on a-keepin' on until the first frost.

The walk on the Nature Trail is heavy with vegetation and quiet. Except for the occasional expletive you hear from the golf course. 

Hahaha, I am SOOOO glad I never took up golfing!! I get all the frustration I need just driving The 101.

The berries are still available...but not for long I would imagine.

Then we saw a Great White Egret. You remember we saw some Great Blue Herons the other day. 

Pow!! Knockin'em out!!

Fun Facts: The Great Egret is a member of the heron family. You can see the resemblance.These guys don't eat during the night. In daytime, they forage alone or in mixed flocks and catch fish by standing motionless in the water...waiting. They're also kind of a rascals, too, as they'll sometimes steal food from the smaller birds.

Great Egrets are fearless and you can sometimes see them standing on top of alligators!! Or is that just being stupid to an extreme?

In the 19th century, the Great Egret's beautiful white plumes were used to decorate ladies' hats. At one time, the plumes were so popular they were worth twice their weight in gold!! Wha...!?!

I was just thinking, it'd take a whole heap of Egret feathers to make a pound so maybe that isn't so amazing.

And, no, this isn't the same bird. Different bird, same place. I know, weird, huh!?! Two egrets in the same Bay!! Hahahaha, well, for us it was fun spotting this second one.

But they are cautious birds. We stayed on the trail and tried to be quiet but they got spooked and flew away when we got within 100-150 feet of them.

Then we spotted this Great Blue Heron winging it across the Bay.

Where he joined up with the two egrets on the far shore. 

Anti-social buggers.

Some other late bloomers along the Nature Trail. One of my iron-hard rules for Amblin' Photography, the kind where you sorta meander around, is to, in addition to getting the broad vista shots, is to always look down and look small; especially so when the day is overcast and gloomy.

It's a pleasant walk, maybe a quarter-mile long. Finally we were nearing the end of the Nature Trail where it becomes private property, where the friendly, "STAY OUT!!" signs are. 

Fortunately, they've made this Bay a Nature Preserve not only to protect the environment and the wildlife that live here but to also make it available for us to enjoy...from a distance. Good idea.

And these. I don' t know what they are but they certainly have a natural beauty to them. When I look at them, I am reminded of an owl's face in the little pods.

The fog was coming in waves. It would seem to clear and then, just a few minutes later, it appeared like we would be socked in.

And the fall colors are starting to appear. I'm looking forward to the changing of the seasons. Hahaha, I'm never satisfied. I can remember whining about how long it was taking summer to make an appearance and now I'm cheering on the advent of the autumn months. 

Still, I am excited by the possibility of seeing the colors along the drives we take.

And the fog got thicker. Around here there is no uniformity to these foggy days. 

Hahaha, we didn't see much, but we were having fun traipsing through the fog covered woods near the Bay. And the best thing was that it wasn't chilly at all. It was actually pleasant outside considering the fog and all.

Hahaha, someday I will get a good shot of a pine cone. I will keep trying. You will continue to groan.

At the end of the trail, they had a sign pointing to the beach and so we went. Up the dunes and then over to the ....


Looks familiar, eh? Not too much to be seen of the ocean but you know it's there from the sound. The other thing about this area is that you don't get individual wave sounds. You don't hear a wave...and then another...with a short but noticeable pause between each. Here you get a steady hum, a constant semi-roar of white noise in a way.

Along this stretch of beach there was plenty of grass...and few people.

Soon enough we backtracked to the Mini. And as we did, this time I looked more at the golf course than the bay. Regardless of how I feel about the game of golf, I do applaud the landscaping they do for their courses. 

Like these trees growing on the bayside of the course. They protect the pedestrians and look good, too!!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why are you surprised? 

I sees it and I shoots it.

And Carol scans the bay for birds along the Nature Trail.

Through the woods, darkly...

Hahaha, me and B&W. I don't think we'll ever get along.

A detail from a wider shot of the trees across from us on the golf course.

As we were leaving, we stopped by the Dapper Frog there at the Resort. I enjoy looking at all the things they have in these stores - can't afford any of them but I still enjoy seeing them.

Like these rubber duckies...Haha, I was thinking they were a buck apiece and, to my horror, they were 3 for $10. Seriously!?! 

Alas, I didn't add to my collection today.

Part of the fun is just taking some pictures of the art objects they have for sale. There was a series of pieces like this...different shapes and sizes with the same kaleidoscope perspective.

They're interesting to look at and to photograph but, I can't see a place for them in my house. Nope. 

I really liked this set. Well done. 

And they artfully lit this piece. They did a great job displaying their merchandise.

This is the bottom half of a Lisboa Plate, which is, near as I can tell, just a decorative bowl of sorts. And it can be yours for just $498.

Oh, I know. I am ridiculously cheap and I would be just as happy with a plastic bowl from the Dollar Tree. But, gosh, $498 for a bowl? I guess it takes some skill and talent to fabricate one of these bowls but I'd hate to have it around...I'd always be worried about breaking it while I was eating popcorn out of it.

These wall tiles caught my eye. I like the colors and the arrangement. I'd be interested in one of these, again as if I need to say it, I could afford it. They were about an 8"x8" tile for over $100. 

And the elusive pelican. Nicely done.

And we'll come to an end here with our Steller's Blue Jay. We've got three that come around to the bird feeders now. For the past week they've come pretty much every day and most days they come around several times.

Hahaha, they add a touch of class to the cowbirds and songbirds we normally have.

It was a good afternoon and just a prelude to an even more enjoyable evening which you will see in the next blog.

The seasons are getting ready for the big switch and I'm enjoying it. 

It's fun to find simple things to do.

Life is good!!


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