It seems we've been taking lots of in-between pictures lately. Hahaha, I couldn't think of anything better to call these pictures other than that. They're simply things we've done in-between our adventures.
And I keep seeing these events captured in the pictures piling up and going nowhere so I thought since today was such a do-nothing day I would gather them all together and make them into a mishmash of what we've been doing.
Really, this blog, regardless of whatever the original reasons were for creating it, has evolved into a visual and written journal of my life. I try not to be vain nor egotistical but I admit, I take a lot of joy in just going back through these adventures and having a laugh or two while refreshing my memories of what's been done. So, thinking that way, it makes sense to me that these pictures get added to the whole collection of pictures, thoughts and adventures I've been amassing.
Let's get started, shall we?
Hahaha, of course we shall.
Hahaha, of course we shall.
October 22, 2014
First up was this. Once again I was privileged to participate in the Great American Experiment. I exercised my franchise and voted!! And I voted with both my heart and my head.
I will let it stand to say that 1) I've stated publicly, several times, that we need to disregard party affiliation when we can and VOTE THE RASCALS OUT!! I'm tired of what a mess of things the Professional Politicians have made and ready to get back to the Citizen Politician...the man or woman that steps up, carries the burden for a few years, and then steps aside for the next citizen. Each one does their duty and then goes back to their real lives. 2) I've also been equally vocal in saying that we need LESS government. We need less taxes, less intrusion in our lives, less government. So I can say I voted to, when I could, limit (or at least not let it grow any larger) our government, both local, county, state and national, and not allow them any more opportunities to reach their collective hands into my wallet...and my life, anymore.
I voted. And I voted with a passion.
Where it important, where it counted to me, I worked at understanding what was at stake so I could make an informed decision. I had an agenda and voted for that as much as I could.
Badda-Boom, Badda-Bing!!
Our votes are on their way.
I dislike the Washington system of voting by mail. I feel this is such an important part of this great experiment that you should have to make the effort to actually GO and vote. I expect that, just as it is in life, if voting is something good then it requires an effort. You should have to work at it.
Thank-you, America. I mean that sincerely. I've received very good care from the VA and I do appreciate it. It's been a great relief to have this benefit.
So thank-you, America.
October 23, 2014
I've been going to the Seattle VA since 2008 and know their parking area very well. A couple months ago, they began tearing up the lot for a new parking garage. I had thought they were just going to build a couple of floors where the lot used to be but, no!! They're creating quite a large parking structure. I was surprised when I had an appointment at Primary Care and got an overview of what they were doing.
They're digging a mighty big hole is what they're doing!!
It's going to be a bit more complex than I had originally thought.
Finished, we left by the rear of the building and got this view of the stormy weather heading in.
When I got home and parked the Mini, I saw the small garage across the street. I've seen this structure hundreds of times but that day it just looked...interesting.
It's an looks much like it must have looked when it was first built for the ol' flivver, the Model T. Simple, efficient and small!!
Things, including people, too, were just smaller back then. And, if it broke, you didn't throw it away and buy another, you fixed it. That's when folks had the time available to do things like that...their time wasn't torn between wanting to 'surf' the Internet, check Facebook, Twitter this or that, watch TV, play on the Xbox or whatever electronic diversions you can think of.
Oh, and I'm just as guilty. Yes I am. Just as guilty.
October 30, 2014
Needed to make a run to Walmart the other day and so we were off. Naturally we bought some Double Chocolate Muffins and, naturally, we stopped at our park, even though it was raining, to take a look and have a muffin.
You can get some interesting effects shooting through a windshield in the rain.
The Boeing Plant.
It was a chilly day after the rain and this fellow was doing his best to cope with it.
Brrrrrrrrr... |
I've been going for walks everyday...two or three miles at a whack and getting some pics. I take them with the cell phone and then shoot them back to Carol and she knows where I am at that point.
I also look out for other things, too. Like this Coke Truck = 5 Points.
I taught Carol the Punch Buggy game and now we play it when we can. Couldn't pass up this chance to score!!
October 31, 2014
So I was off on my walk this morning...and it were raining...HA-ARD!!
Very hard.
Regardless, I was determined!! I had my poncho on and I was pretty much gonna do my three miles regardless.
You can't tell it from this picture, but the rain, she was coming down. That's our neighborhood mailbox there on the left. Well, it's the people that live in those apartments mailbox but it's the closest thing to the real article that we have within walking distance of the casa so we use it. Like for our ballots the other day.
It was just an overall nasty morning...this was taken at 0822 this morning. Overcast and nasty.
To give you an idea of how much it was raining, I got this shot over at the Chevron on the corner of Graham and MLK.
Don't believe me!?!
Here, I'll move a little closer.
This was all coming out of the gutter on the roof covering the pumps.
My big concern, after the rain, was getting splashed by the cars driving by on MLK. I could see some evil bastard deliberately swinging close to the curb to get the Old Fat Man.
I could see it (and since I was worrying that someone might do that to me, it suggests that I may be capable of doing it to someone else...heavy psychological stuff, Man!!) happening but, fortunately for me, it didn't. Honestly, they didn't even come close to splashing me. No one swerved towards the curb to get me...
Hmmmmm, paranoid?
I did, however, exercise some caution so that helped, too.
It will be Autumn until December 22nd. Suck it up!!
Some of the colors on the fallen leaves are fantastic.
Oh, you'll see more of these before I'm done.
Hahaha, yes, you will!!
Rainy Day Window Reflection Selfie!!
Oh my way back and I took a picture to capture the moment...Smilin' Jack in his poncho, standing out in the rain.
What an idiot!!
Carol got this picture. She's still got some flowers growing in the pots we used to decorate the front porch.
Looking good, Schubert!!
Hahaha, I warned you!!
This afternoon we got cabin fever and so we decided to walk up to the Ghetto Safeway for...a treat to be named later.
We're amblin' along and I'm taking pictures of I do when I hear a shout and Carol has spotted this guy way up at the top of a tall evergreen.
This is our guy!! The one that's taken out two of the pigeons that visit our feeders.
We, and by we I mean Carol, think it is a Red-Tail Hawk. We're not sure but...
There he was!! And he wasn't alone!!
The reason Carol noticed him was that he was being dive-bombed by...
...some irate and exceedingly pissed off crows.
He didn't appear too bothered by them... he was just sorta bemused by their antics.
I don't know exactly why the crows were so crabby but...
...once they'd chased the Hawk away, they took over his roost.
Whew, after that excitement it was nice to get back to the mundane...and the 76 Station on Renton and MLK.
Can you believe these bandits? You can go about a mile and a half down the road and get your gas at an Arco for just $2.95.
Yeah!! That's right...$2.95!!
Suck it, California!!
There's Angel, fourth from the left. The white pigeon. Carol's sorta adopted her and looks for her around the neighborhood. They make walking along certain spots on MLK very dangerous.
Very, very dangerous.
And then they flew away.
There's our Magic Carpet!!
De Link, Boss!! De Link!!
And a big, black, heavily-tinted mini bus.
Black Ops?
Government Secret Service?
It is Autumn in the Great American Pacific Northwest and the colors are magnificent.
And these trees are everywhere. It's a treat to drive, or walk, around this city.
The Ghetto Safeway...resplendent in it's ordinariness.
Time for Treats!!
Hey!! It's our version of a Halloween Tradition!!
Looking east from the front of the Ghetto Safeway towards the intersection of Othello and MLK. There's The Station at Othello apartments in the center.
There's a storm a-brewin'!!
But it's suppose to be semi-clear this evening for Trick-Or-Treat.
Couple of strollers along Othello Park.
I'm trying to experiment a bit more with the zoom lens and the way it compresses the subject on long shots. I need to be able to recognize when that effect would be appropriate.
Still working on it.
Hahaha, looking south on 43rd Avenue...towards the Boo Radley House.
Same thing...different angle.
Hey, c'mon!! I'm learning!!
Shooting into Othello Park.
It is a definite plus having that park near us.
The trees along the south side of the park are putting on quite a show.
Using the zoom again...trying to compress the tree trunks with a long view.
I'll keep on working on it...and you'll keep on seeing them!!
B&W Alert!!
Birds on a wire.
Who wouldn't shoot them!!
With a camera, I mean.
Oh, it's a rhetorical question, y'all.
You literally cannot look anywhere except straight up to avoid seeing wires. They are, in this part of Seattle, everywhere.
Coming back, looking north up Renton Avenue.
I've just had the urge, the inclination, to document the neighborhood. That helps to explain all the environmental scenes you've endured lately. It must be Friday as the trash and recycle bins are still out.
Ahhhh, the Mini...and that means home.
B&W and Artsy-Fartsy Alert!!
I do love me some B&W work.
I'll get better...I hope.
Bear with me...
Some of the upscale and tony shops along MLK by the Othello Link Station.
They've done a great job sprucing up the Ol' Neighborhood. Hopefully this will begin to change soon.
October 20, 2014
I had to check the date on this was a week and a half ago and that explains the blue skies. Looking over MLK towards the Ghetto Safeway.
And as I close this Hodgepodge out, I'll do so in predictable fashion...
With a flower, a Pasque Flower.
And some Autumn leaves...
And a work.
So I feel better...I like tying up the loose ends and now I no longer have this nagging feeling I am missing something. That itch has been scratched. The door has been closed. The horse has been put in the barn. The key has been removed from the ignition. The plane has landed. The ship has docked. The train has arrived. The dough has set. The last bell has rung. The battery has died. The sun has set. The die has been cast. The cat has been let out of the bag. The keg is empty.
Hahahaha, it's over, y'all. You can quit'cher gripin' and go on back to your life now.
But, y'know, it's been fun. It's always been fun.
Life IS good!!