Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dinner at the Denny's Diner - 10/13/14

Or - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...

I know it's Monday and we're doing laundry...something ain't right, right? Well, I've got a procedure tomorrow morning and so we moved Laundry Day up one day early. 

I know, Wild & Crazy!! Hahaha, we live by the seat of our pants (now that they're freshly laundered) and anything can happen!!

Ah, I do love to hate the laundromat. Seriously, I will be SOOOOO happy when we have a washer and dryer.

Not all was lost, though. I wandered down the street, again, and visited the flowers in the island between the streets. 

We got off to a late start so these ribbon flowers, you've seen them before, were pretty much open and welcoming the morning when I got there.

I was using the little Canon for a very good reason. I forgot the other camera on the desk. 

Hahahaha, Wild & Crazy!!

We live life on the edge, we do!!

These sit on top of a long stem and I think most folks consider them weeds.

Chrysanthemums in front of a nearby church.

I do enjoy my wanderings. It's amazing how much you can see in your own neighborhood, especially one as mature and varied as mine is. It seems every wandering brings a new delight.

Allie is in town and we were meeting her and Tom for an early dinner at Denny's. Hahaha, you can tell you're getting older when you can eat dinner at 1500 and think it's OK...normal. For the kids, it was a slightly late lunch.

Heading south on Rainier Ave. Coming up to the intersection with Renton Ave. We prefer, when we drive to the Walmart or downtown Renton, to drive Rainier as it takes us along Lake Washington. Like that lake-view!!

This one is a happy girl. Going out to dinner puts a smile on any face, right? Plus, the weather has changed and she gets to wear her favorite jacket.


Heading toward 167, this is the intersection of MLK and Rainier. The Cheap Safeway is on the left.

Heading towards 167 going past the Walmart. Say what you will, it has a large selection and the prices are better than elsewhere. Course, there are the downsides. The service is a little bit less than stellar and the other shoppers...'Nuff said.

The other day we were in there and when we rounded an aisle in the grocery department, we surprised a guy who quickly threw some clothes onto the shelve and walked away zipping up his jacket. My guess is he was doing some Five-Finger Discount Shopping for Christmas clothes. I looked and most of what he threw down was young girl's clothes.

Strange stuff.

I don't think you can drive anywhere within a 30-mile radius of Seattle and NOT get in a traffic jam. There's just too doggone many cars on the road. 

The good thing is that once you get past Grady Street then you're on 167 and the driving, going south at that hour, is pretty easy. In about an hour, that's gonna change, big time.

Seriously, this is one of the big reasons I want to move to a small town. I don't do well with traffic jams. Not at all.

We made it!!

Denny's in Kent!!

Hahahaha, advertising does pay off!! Well, advertising AND a 20% discount coupon does. It does pay to get the Sunday Newspaper!!

Allison is in town and so she and Tom met me at Denny's Diner for dinner.

Denny's Diner for Dinner...Hmmmmm, that has a certain ring to it!!

Allie was here for a friend's wedding and staying with Tom and Bonnie. Unfortunately, Bonnie and Anthony couldn't join us.

Ah, my babies!!

Hahaha, they just can't help being so precocious.

They get it from their Daddy.

And, after I threatened them, they gave me a semi-normal pose.

Fed and watered, we were all feeling a bit better.

It's always fun seeing the kids and finding out what they're up to. Allie's a Genius now and Tom is enjoying his work and looking to move up.

You work so that your children can have a chance at happiness and, you know, that's all I really check on when I talk with them. Are they healthy and are they happy. All else is just fluff compared to those two things.

And, doggone it, I didn't realize I was SO much taller than both of my babies.

Sooooo much taller!!

Hahahaha, it does pay to position yourself in the right place in a picture.

Good food and good conversation...it works for me.

Carol and I headed home. We'd planned on stopping at our park, we were going right by it, but when we got near, the heavens opened up and it was raining pretty good. I'm willing to deal with the rain but I'm not that keen on standing out in it so we gave the park a pass.

Life is good.


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