Monday, July 14, 2014

A Couple Days In the Life of...

There isn't a lot to include in a blog. Really, it's about what you've seen or done in a particular day. Given my age and the fact that Grandkids are so far away, I can't blog about the adventures of the kids. So, I blog about what interests me.

I've got an uncomplicated life. Really, it's very simple. My only real restriction these days is money. How much of it is available and what can I do with what I have. My time, unlike my money, is relatively free and there is a lot of it. Haha, the only things I have to consider, in regards to spending time, are my many doctor's appointments.  

So, here's my little blog. Not too terribly exciting but an honest depiction of things I've seen that interest me. I'd like a little more travel in it but, you know, I'd also like a little more hair, too. Neither is happening soon.

So I take Carol and we do simple things. We walk. And the amazing thing, the wonderful thing is that every time, I mean EVERY time we go for a walk we see something new!! It's fantastic!! It really is because I've walked these streets for over six years and now it is like I am seeing so much of it for the very first time.

LIke these flowers. I got these on a walk the other day down to the Rainier Beach Link Station. Been down that way several times before this and NEVER saw these flowers.

What a riot of color!! I admit it, I am a journeyman, a hack really, when it comes to photography. And, yet, I get these wonderful pictures.

Mind you, I am not using anything fancy, just a couple of small Canon Point and Shoots. They're not complicated, they're pocket cameras!! The one I use the most was a discontinued model. After a certain amount of time, they issue a newer version of a camera, so I got it on sale cuz they wanted to get rid of it. 

Good enough for me!!

I mean, look at this!! Wow!! I also admit it is easy being good taking pictures of subjects like these. Not much to it other than being there, seeing and pointing the ol' camera.

I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the shots I take. I've developed what I call a 'Look N Shoot' attitude. It's that digital freedom. With this freedom, I can shoot as many times as the battery will allow. I mean, I can shoot ANY and EVERY thing I want to!! 

How cool is that!?!?!

So I use this freedom to shoot…and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot...and shoot…
you get the idea, right?

Shoot everything and sort them out later.

Simple philosophy for a simple guy.

This is now what I do. And I do a lot of it. 

I've got a vest with a bazillion pockets and I keep the cameras, and extra batteries, in it all the time. Every time I walk out the door, I grab the vest and, of course, the cameras. I'm always ready.

Walking down the street, I noticed the difference in the colors of the leaves as we walked by this bush and I turned, saw what interested me and took my shot. Didn't bend down, didn't angle left and right, just took the shot right from where I'd stopped to look.

And I like it. I like the colors working off each other in a pleasant arrangement. Sure, it's not an award winner but it gives me pleasure. Hooah!!

And every time I walk out the door now, I see something new. That's the really great part. I really like taking pictures and posting them and I also like when someone comments, hopefully in a positive way, about my pictures. That's good but the big thing is, I see what is around me. More than I ever did before.

Like this house. On the side it's a mess with trash cans and a driveway and cars. Not all that cool. But here, in this spot, you can see the beauty of this old home. Haha, a certain dignity, eh?

And because my time is free and I have someone to share it with me, I get out more. Sometimes we get out just to get out. 

Like yesterday. It was hot and…it was hot. So we fired up the Mini and headed to the Mall over in Tukwila (don't they have the wildest names here in the Great American Northwest?),

Walking into the Mall I spied this interesting trio of flags. Way up high. 

Haha, believe me, it's tough to hold a small camera, any camera really, when you have it zoomed WAY out. I was lucky to get these American Flags all in the picture together cuz that camera was wiggling and jiggling all around. Can't be me cuz I'm as steady as a rock. Must be the camera. 

Then, from an extreme zoom, you can get them all and flatten them out a bit. you know, push them together. 

But it's cool. We went to the Mall to waste some time, walk a bit, window shop a lot and, if the fortunes allowed, maybe take a picture or two. 

I've really gotten into shooting pics inside stores. (IKEA and that Pier One like thingie we went to recently). The displays are usually well done and you can find a lot of interesting patterns and shapes.

Like these...

...Watermelon gum balls. In a machine out in the walk area between the shops. 

And this. This…uh…er…star thingie. 

I don't know either.

But it IS colorful.

Yeah, they're stars made of colorful cardboard and they have some depth to them. Kinda like one of those pop-up books.


"Why, Darling, I hardly know you!"

And the GREATEST Super Hero of All Time!!!


I'm not a fan of these new Superman comics. Don't like the way they do the artwork and the stories aren't, well, as entertaining as they once were.

It's like a Bizarro World, bad artwork and weak stories passing off as a Superman comic. 

Back in my day, Superman was a REAL hero and the artwork was, better than it is now.

And I found a game made just for me. 

I rule at this game.

But I am considering legal action against the makers of this game. I mean, c'mon, it's a little too close to home…a little too close!!

Angles and patterns and light working together.

Speaking of work, here's my daughter Allie's ol' stomping grounds. Yeah, she got her start right here in the Apple Store at the SouthCenter in Tukwila. 

And now she's a Genius.

In Manhattan!!

New York City, Baby!! 


Walking around, I saw this Rooster and thought of my son, Jeff.

He collects Roosters. 

You can see, can't you, some of the many, many picture possibilities in a Mall.

You just have to look and see. I mean, I guess, take the time to really see. 

OK, I don't like using this 'kumbaya' kinda language but here it is appropriate to help me explain. 

I've learned you have to be able to see into something…

to really look and see the lines, the shapes, the light and then see a picture. The neat thing is, it can be anything at all and that's the challenge and the fun.

Flower lights, detail.

You remember I've talked about looking for patterns…and shapes.

Here's an interesting angle. These were water jugs in one of the stores. I shot this from about 30 feet away and through the store window. And then I cropped like a son-of-a-gun!!

A had a good time in the Mall and we hadplenty of opportunities to entertain ourselves, eat some food (Mrs Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie, that's a food, right?), and get a couple of pictures. 

It's all there.

*          *          *

Then, today, I went to my Cardio Rehab. The VA has set up a program for those who've had open-heart surgery, really, some kind of cardio event. It's a monitored conditioning program to help you build back your strength and your cardio fitness.

I've been doing it for several months now and now, six months after my open-heart surgery, I am jumping on the elliptical and pedaling my rear end off. Today I did 64 minutes and went 4.7 miles. 

In late April, on this same machine, I did six minutes and had to stop because I was gasping for breath and I was having trouble standing on shaky legs.

OK, that's the reason I was at the VA. So, when I was driving up, I saw a small plot of land next to the parking lot with some sunflowers on it. So I decided I'd go by there after my work-out.

And I did.

And I'm glad I did.

What a treat!! I do like me some sunflowers. 

And, as an additional bonus treat, I got these, too.

The VA is doing a lot to spruce up the area. Lots of new things happening. They're building a new parking structure and landscaping and adding on.

I know the VA has taken its lumps but, for me, it's been very good. My surgery and all the care I got and continue to get including the rehab is free. I've never had any big problems in getting appointments or the care I've needed. 

Thanks, America. At the end of my days, thanks for taking care of me.

I have to say, my little cameras are pretty kick-butt!! What a joy it is to have them. They add so much flavor to my life.

But now my challenge is to not become too lazy. To get so complacent about just Lookin' and Shootin' that I don't really see anymore. So I try to challenge myself to see the things around me. To see these flowers from some angle other than looking straight down. To think a little bit about what I'm shooting.

And, also, hahaha, to look behind the flowers before I shoot so I can eliminate some distractors from the final picture.

And, finally, to keep me busy and interested in getting out. In line with that, Carol and I have also planted a small garden alongside the house.

Nothing ambitious and more Carol than me. 

My contribution are these tomato plants…I bought them and planted them. That's about it.

My Dad had tomato plants wherever he lived after he retired and so, when I started thinking about a garden, I decided to grow some tomatoes, like my Old Man. 

And here's the first one to start ripening!!

You can see some small ones growing there but that Big Boy was the first one and it's getting ready for the ol' dinner table. 

Here's Carol's spices and herbs. And down at the end another tomato plant. 

Haha, it keeps us busy and it's fun. 

And we can eat 'em.

Can't wait until the Pears ripen from the tree in the back.

And that's it.

*          *          *

Until lunch time.

Ah, the subtle power of advertising. 

I subscribe to the Seattle Times and they had an ad in the paper this weekend from Denny's. You could get 20% off any bill over $20.

OK, good deal, right? Damn skippy!!

Who could pass it up, right!?! And so we went to...


(Look!! There's my vest!! Cool, eh?)

Haha, there's one born every minute, right?

The Denny's we went to is a Diner style Denny's and so the motif hails back to the 40s and 50s. 

Like this clock.

Twarn't too busy there. But it was clean.

Twarn't too fast either but that was no problem because, today, I vowed to be POSITIVE. 

I've been complaining too much about everything and don't get me started on traffic. I've been exploding on the road. I've been complaining so much I'm getting tired of hearing myself griping. 

So I decided to do something about it and today I started. I told myself that I would be POSITIVE and drop all that negativity.

So, in that light, I am POSITIVE they were very slow in getting our food out. I mean, it just wasn't that busy, wait!! I won't complain. 

 I will be POSITIVE.

The food they did bring was tasty. A turkey sandwich. 

Did you hear me? I said, "A Turkey Sandwich."

Eh!?! Nothing!?!

Well, I was proud of myself for eating a little bit better. A wee bit. Just discount the fries…and the bacon. 

Eatin' healthy!!

And, after a delicious, and healthy, lunch, it was off to…


A shopping mission. 

So I didn't take too many pictures. Not that many.

Patterns, shapes, angles, lines and color.

They understand the power of repetition there at IKEA.

From pans to lamps.

Gaze into my ball...

And mirrors. Standing on their side. Stacked in boxes.

And, uh, more mirrors. Didn't say I was original.

Staying with the glass motif, I found some bottles and shot the heck outta them.


…And Again.

Shopping Mission accomplished. 

So, it's kinda interesting. Filling my time. Taking my pictures. Living my life. 

Haha, doing my thing.

LIfe is good.

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