Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Twigs Bistro - 7/19/14

Bad Mood Barbie (BMB) and I were finally able to coordinate our busy social schedules and meet together for lunch at Twigs…an upscale Bistro that caters to the 'In Crowd'. 

Haha, can you tell I'm not part of the 'In Crowd'. Still, it was a nice place and the food was good.

Anyway, it was a chance to see BMB again and introduce her to Carol.

But, before we saw her we saw…this!! On the back window of a car in the parking lot. 

Ah, the Marines. They're everywhere.

Oh, yeah.

Here's the Bistro…and Martini Bar.

Classy, eh?

We had some time before we met BMB and so we strolled around the Mall…at Northgate.

They were having tryouts for a theater company and these young ladies were belting them out for the crowd. They were really quite good…one of them did the Annie song, "The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow…" and nailed it.

I don't know why I am always surprised at the talent that is seemingly all around me. You know, the bands that get together to play at the park gazebo and the people that form Amateur Acting Companies. They're all really good. 


And they were all really good!! Can you imagine how we'd be able to entertain ourselves if we didn't have these iPods, Pads, Macs, Phones and all the other electronic crap?

So, strolling around, we went into a store where they sell…different things. It's fun to snoop out things out of the ordinary. And look for picture possibilities.

I don't know what this was all about but I thought it was interesting. There it was…just this one page, framed. Of a nattily dressed fox. On a page.

Whatever for?

And then they had these…light thingies.

And it changed color. These are two different shots, by-the-way. Pretty neat, though. The shots.


Then we saw this See's Candies.

This was the old school store. 

Friendly looking and…they deliver. And, look!! Even back then they were, 'Old Time'!! Can you see it, just to the left of the See's Candies.

Now, compare it to this new, modern See's Candies. 

Not too friendly looking. Kinda cold, sterile. Like a bank. Sort of.

But the candy is still good.

Mmmmmm...pecan roll...

Then it was off to the Bistro to meet up with BMB.

Ah, and here she is, Bad Mood Barbie.

It was fun to catch up on old times and current news. 

And to enjoy some good food.

Being the healthy, good eating kinda guy I am (these days, at least) I ordered a Lamb Sandwich. 

Sometimes I disgust myself with how healthy I am. This was the first Lamb Sandwich I'd ever eaten. 


Carol wisely got the House Burger and...

BMB got some kind of BLT in a wrap. 

I think.

Here's the happy company.

I didn't really get a chance to get any pictures…like I usually do.

I shot this through the window into the courtyard behind the Bistro. Nice coloring, eh?

And, here I am again, playing with the idea of patterns and lines…and doing it badly.

At least I was trying.

And, then, the battery went…dead.

And my back-up? 

Hahahahaha, that was dead, too.

There I was with egg on my face because both my batteries were kaput. But I did get this shot of the ingredients for making a martini. Several martinis.

Haha, despite that embarrassing setback, I enjoyed myself.

I've said it before...

Good food, good friends, good times.

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