Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dinner on the Lake - 8/27/14

Or - If You Can't Stand the Heat Then Get Out of the Kitchen...

...and head for the Lake.

And we did because it was just uncomfortably H*O*T today. 



It were HOT!!

So we packed up, and by we I mean Carol, our dinner and headed down to our park to enjoy the breeze and the sights off the Lake. We were not disappointed on either count, either. 

Hahahaha, I love the English Language!! And hats.

First one of the day Selfie!!

We hadn't even really settled in when we saw this!!

Surprise #1

They were moving a plane from the plants onto the airstrip where, evidently, they do the final touch-up work to get it ready for flight. I guess. 

Here they are moving it across the ramp (bridge?) over the Cedar River near where we were the other day.

I've seen the big planes along the Boeing side of the airfield but I've never seen them move. And I include taking off and landing in that statement.

So it was sorta cool to be there for the movement of this plane.

Gooooooo, Boeing!!

From the big to the small. 

They moved this little plane down the ramp and got it into the Lake. We call it, for obvious reasons, The Purina Plane.

It's a tiny little puddle-jumper and seats two…one behind the other. Not much of a silhouette from head on.

You'll see some more of The Purina Plane later on. 


Ahoy, Matey!! Having realized I should have worn my Nautical Cap when I took the Mighty S.S. Kayak out on the High Seas, I made up for it by donning my 'Skipper' cap and doing my best impersonation of Jonas Grumby, aka, The Skipper.

As portrayed by Alan Hale, Jr.

Nautical Selfie!!

It was another beautiful day on the Lake and this young woman was out there on a paddle board…paddling around.

Surprise #2

We saw this Biplane taking off. I haven't seen a biplane at this airport so this was a special treat. And, to make it even more memorable, we saw a SECOND Biplane take off, too. Didn't get pictures of that one but I did see it!!

Surprise #3

Right when we first arrived a little 'pusher' plane took off!! It happened so fast I didn't even get my camera out of the pocket it was so fast and so cool. A 'pusher' plane is one of the light aircraft where the engine sits just behind the pilot and the prop 'pushes' the plane along rather than pulling it like when the prop is in front of the plane.

Haven't seen one of those before today.

Artsy-Fartsy Alert!!

For no other apparent reason other than it looked interesting. Boats. Tied up. Floating.

And that WASN'T the only thing we saw floating that day!!

Murder most foul…or fish…

We panicked and called a World Famous Forensic Specialist from Los Angeles. I've included a copy of the text conversation:

CB:      Found this body floating in the Lake.

Paul:   OMG!!

CB:      If I could zoom in, the word Japan on the bottom of        her foot would be a Forensic Clue!

Paul:   Based on the level of decomposition, the body has been there a day and a million years.

CB:     She's in pretty rough shape, skin and bones. Rigor has set in, she's stiff.

Paul:  The killer wanted us to find it. He's TOYing with us.

CB:     APB is out. Suspect named Ken.

Paul:  Last seen driving a Pink Lamborgini.

I've said it before and I'll say it again…We are SOOOOO funny. Hahahahaha, we quack ourselves up!!

I've wanted, for a while, to 'reach' out and get a picture of a jetliner streaking through the sky and, today, I did.

Off on hundreds of adventures!!

Artsy-Fartsy Alert!!

I couldn't help myself...

Setting Sun + Large Body of Water = Artsy-Fartsy Shot.

And then I saw this beauty…my faithful Mini.

Steady, Old Boy!! Good Fella…

Lookin' good!!

And then the (Not So) Dynamic Duo!!

Relaxin' 'N Chillin'

Listening to Kixy Radio…880 on the AM dial.

La muscica es muy bueno, y'all!!

Reclining Selfie!!

Sitting on my substantial arse and grabbing shots. Ah, the good life. 

Clouds over Seattle. The promise of rain, hopefully, by Friday. And, more importantly, COOLER weather!!


Not the usual gray sky over Seattle. It'll do until things get back to normal. 

Surprise #4

We have had over 34 days of "Over 80" degree weather!! Thirty-Four Freakin' Days of Over Eighty Degree Weather!!

Un. Be. Livable.

Would I be me if I didn't get pictures of airplanes for no other reason than I could…and they flew by me close enough for me to shoot them.

I'm figuring it had to be Training Day for landing and taking off as we had several doing just that, again and again.

And then I got this. 

A jetliner with contrails.

Did you know that contrails is simply an easy contraction for "Condensation Trails". 

That makes sense...and it sounds way cooler, too.

But, really, what are they? 

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Real quick, they're vapor trails; long, thin and artificial clouds that will sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of the jet engines. Sometimes, though, they can be made by the changes in air pressure in the wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface. 

Like all clouds, even Cirrus Clouds (remember them?), contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals.

Haha, Contrails…shorter and cooler than saying Condensation Trails.

"Wow! Look at the contrails, man!!"

No contrails on this baby but I included it because it has an interesting pattern under its wings and on its tail. And, because I think this guy was practicing his approaches and take-offs. He did the loop thingie four or five times.

Around the beautiful early evening sky...

Annnnnnd, around again. See the pattern?

Annnnnnd, again.

Can you see the stripes? Kinda unusual…and interesting.

And an early evening shot of the Trailer Park Marina and the Eagle Trees.

The tall trees in the center are where we saw the two eagles and where we always look whenever we visit our park. 

Every time.

And, in the opposite direction is….Mount Rainier!!

Lit up by a setting sun and framed by Renton, Washington.

Looking down, I couldn't help it. 

Yeah, another balding Dandelion.

We always look for the Osprey, too. When we got to the park and immediately after we'd checked the trees for any eagles, we checked out the logs to see if we could get lucky again and see the Osprey down there, taking a break.


But we, and by we I mean Carol, are always on the look-out over the Lake for an Osprey out hunting. And it paid off!!

Here he is…

From out of the clear blue of the Western sky comes…

Sky King!! America's favorite Flying Cowboy…

uh, wait!! I mean Flying Osprey!!

Regardless, we saw him and that's all that counts. 

And then we saw The Purina Plane coming back in...

Touch down…or landing or whatever they call it when they're flying a Sea Plane.

Now, time for one of my trademark rapid change of topics I will call...Did you hear? 

Did you hear?

They're trying to get the name of Mount Rainier changed to better reflect its heritage or history or some other poof-fer-rau!!

I think Mt. Rainier is good enough.

The mountain, a part of the Cascade Range, is a volcano that has, thankfully, not erupted for over 2,000 years. It's also the highest mountain in the State of Washington!!

The English explorer George Vancouver (Hmmmmm, Vancouver!! Where have I heard that name before??), named it in honor of another navigator, Peter Rainier. Some people, the touchy-feely guys, are trying to get the mountain renamed or, at least, to call the mountain by its Indian name, Mount Tacoma.

Really!?! Tacoma!?!

Sunset in Seattle.

Photo by CB

The Purina "Every Good Dog Can Be Great" Plane.

I'm sure it has no connection with Purina other than what my fevered mind can come up with. But, y'know, that's good enough for me.


Photo by CB
And now you may enjoy several more "Sunset" pictures.

Enjoy, dammit!!

Keep looking!!

The Boeing Plant never quits. See the plane they moved? The one with the blue and green tail? 

Haha, these guys are still working and getting that overtime!!

I'm sitting here wondering why I ever took off my cap. Here's an obvious and graphic reason to never, ever go without a hat or cap again while in the public view.

Getting ready to leave and grabbing that last selfie.

Good-bye Selfie

At least one of us looks good.

Good and healthy dinner? 


Plenty of pictures taken? 


Cooled down and enjoyed self? 


Something I'd never say while dining out with others? 


Hahahahaha, I really do quack myself up.

Life is good…it's even better when you have a keen sense of humor…like me.


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