Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lazy Summer Days - 8/1/14

First time at SeaFair…

The Blue Angels have been roaring around the neighborhood for the past few days and excitement has been building for…SEA FAIR, BABY!!

So, for the first time in the nearly 7 years I've lived here, I was finally going to get to see what all the fuss is about.

Carol and I headed out for the fun and, of course, had to park several blocks away.

While we were walking to the Fair, we were able to see some of the stunts the planes were performing. Try as I may, and I did try a lot of shots, it was tough getting a decent picture of any of the planes. 

I did get this one, and I felt lucky getting this one, of a biplane doing a dive. You aren't going to see many pictures of the planes. I was too far away and, well, I have a whole bunch of excuses.

But we did see some new neighborhoods and, of course, flowers. All on the walk to the Sea Fair.

More of the cone flowers. 

Just there, along the sidewalk, a color show of incredible beauty.

And then, there we were!!

Another indicator of the craziness in the world today…and the freedoms and liberties we are being forced to give up…There were security agents there and everyone coming in had to allow them to inspect their bags, etc., before they could go in.

Kinda sad but another part of living in the modern world.

Inside was a maze of tents, activities and fun.

All the Armed Forces were represented…even the Coast Guard.

Here's one of the entries from the Marines. The DIs seemed to be that big. They also had an open area roped off and had Marines there doing hand-to-hand combat. They, like all the others, had a tent and were giving away free things to the young kids.

A jazzed up Marine SUV. Funny, we never had anything like that around the Comm Shack.

Go Army!! They were there with their nifty give-aways, too. Looking good.

And the National Guard. Honestly, when did they start recruiting like the 'Real' services?

Gosh, I just realized I didn't get any pictures of the Navy, Air Farce or Coast Guard tents. 

A terrible oversight. Simply terrible.


But I did catch Carol doing some day-dreaming in front of this tent.

Not to my tastes but very ornate.

And the earrings.

And jewelry. Carol did finally find an Irish Claddagh Ring that she's always wanted.

After a while, I came to the conclusion that the Sea Fair was mostly a place for folks to advertise and hawk their product. Like Quiznos…and the Army…and the Marines…

There was a lot of product placement there.

And a Face Painting Station alongside Geico.

Oh, here was one of my favorites. Right on the Lake and roped and screened off for privacy, were the pavilions for the Richies. Hahaha, it took some serious money (and for me, admittedly, anything over $10 is serious money) to get in there. 

The Gate Guard allowed me to step in about four feet so I could get this picture of the Richies enjoying the Air Show.

Mind you, that once we arrived at the Fair, the planes all took a break. So there weren't any stunts being stunted nor loops being looped while we were there.

Even though the planes weren't flying, the hawks were still hawking.

All kinds of fun stuff.

Making money, Honey!!

Along the Lake there were booths for pins, yeah!! Lapel pins and hat pins. All kinds of collectibles. And, there, on the right side, was the fire department and their displays.

And the Navy. These guys were actually quite good. Didn't care for their costumes too much but the noise they made was pretty good.

Time out for a selfie. Appropriately enough for me, I guess, was the backdrop for this picture. The Food Tents…Mmmmmmm, greasy food!!

But, we'd seen enough and were ready to head on home. They didn't frisk us as we left but they were still hard at it for all those coming in.

And the walk back to the car. A different route so different pictures. Actually, the next three flower pictures were taken right across the street from the exit. I stood on the sidewalk and zoomed in close to them…over about 40+ feet.

Pretty neat, eh!?!


Along the same sidewalk there was a bar-b-que vender and that guy on the bike. He would ride out to the far-away parking areas and ride the people over to the fair. Make money AND get some exercise. Win, win. 

Just an interesting window. Like the color.

And, in the backyard, these giant beauties. They were like about 8 feet tall.

Getting ready to make us some sunflower seeds.

Mother Nature really does it up right.

We were almost back to the Mini when we heard the Blue Angels again. I shot a whole bunch of pictures and would have them here if I had gotten any good ones. You know I would have. You know me.

Can you see them? The four little dots in the sky in the center of this picture.

And then we turned our eyes to the ground and saw some more flowers.

All kinds of flowers...

Some real beauties...

Like this...

And this…and for once the red didn't get blasted out.


All in all it was fun. A great way to waste a day and have some fun.

I liked the planes flying…for about five minutes. I mean, after a while it gets redundant, doesn't it? It was fun but I wouldn't go too far out of my way to see it again. Really, I saw enough from my front yard to satisfy me.

But it was fun to get out and wander through the exhibits.

And get some pics…of the flowers.

It's a good life.


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